Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why Psalm 10:12?

I'm not much of a writer and certainly don't intend to start a world-class blog here. I do read others' blogs with much admiration and it seems the first blog everyone writes is how their blog title came to be, so I'll start there - it works for the pros, right?

So, I'm sitting at Vandy Children's hospital as I compose this first EVER blog entry. The result of Piper (youngest daughter) having a serious staph infection. I will blog about that journey next, I suppose; but, the context is important.

Psalm 10:12 first came into my mind about 4 weeks ago in the course of working through the reading for a small group at church that I am part of. We are reading "Walking With God" (John Eldridge) and the reading that week had a section in it about asking God to direct us to the scripture that we NEED to read. Asking God to be in charge of which of His words we need to hear. As a teenager I had certainly prayed the whole "show me the verse I should read" followed by a rapid opening of the Bible and a random finger point. Divinely directed? Possibly, though I don't think I quite had the talking to God and listening to God thing down at that point in life.  4 weeks ago, however, I was very focused in my conversation with God on this matter and He very obviously answered me. It was clear as a bell in my mind that God told me "Psalm 10:12." I was surprised (yeah, I know - surprise at hearing God's voice indicates the difference in my focus at this time in life), so I said back, "Really?...Psalm 10?.....Verse 12?" And there it was again, as clear as a bell..."Psalm 10:12." Looking back, I really think God had a sarcastic thought to the effect of "Why are you still talking to me? I already answered you.....GO!"

Anyway, I ultimately realized what had just happened and finally left my prayer zone and opened to Psalm 10:!2-- "Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless." I remember thinking "Hmmm - really? THAT'S the verse? I think there's a mistake...we're not helpless - our lives are actually better than ever right now." I read it again and felt very confused, but ultimately decided God had some reason to give that verse to me and I should just trust that. I never did doubt it was God leading me to that verse, but I kind of (guilty confession time) thought He goofed.

Fast forward 4 months. Piper in the ER on Sunday night (10/9) and I felt helpless (yeah, yeah, you saw that coming)! Just as clear as I heard his voice before, there it was in my thoughts again-- "Psalm 10:12." Wow! I knew God was telling me something. I had very deliberately packed my Bible before we came to the ER so I got it out....I couldn't for the life of me rememer what Psalm 10:12 even said. So there I am in the ER, next to a finally sleeping Piper, and I flip to it "Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless." Ummmm - yeah, God totally knew what he was doing last month and just had the ultimate "I told you so" moment.

I just had a great visit from a couple ladies from church (shout out to Long Hollow Women's Ministry) and I shared a couple stories like this with them and they said..."you need to write this down." Here I am. DONE.

So, this blog will be about what got us to the ER and ultimately all the other ways in which God has been revealing puzzles pieces leading up to this. It's pretty incredible. Plus, I'll update Piper's status here so everyone can check anytime they want to.

Psalm 10:12.....what's next?


  1. Glad you're blogging! DEFINITELY keep us posted on little Piper.

  2. Many prayer going up for Piper, Layla, Eric and you Kristen. God always speaks to us when we will listen. He was preparing you for this time.He knew you would become helpless and You were helpless. You could not help your precious baby and you had always been able to do that.
    We believe you will still see more healing for Piper as this goes on. Yes, I am glad you wrote this There are many people feeling very helpless in many ways.
    Prays from Brodhead Ky. Having other in VA, and many other states praying. Just as you said, you may never met them here on this earth. Thank you for the blog. We ask Betty Jo to keep us up so now we can check each day and know the good reports and how we need to pray
    Jim-Barbara_ Travis McKnight
