Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

After consulting ID, the indication is that Piper will NOT need the PICC and will go home (at some point) with just oral antibiotics. Hoping that stays true.

Still no word on when she might get discharged, but fingers crossed for Saturday.

We've had a decent day. Since she's not got IV tubes connected to her 24/7 we have been out of the room most of the day - went to the play area, went to the patient playground (Fresh air!) and toured the hospital. We even got a little shopping done. After seeing all the toys and stuffed animals, the only thing Piper wanted was a pen covered in rhinestones. Choking hazard, anyone? She wasn't happy about putting it back, but finally decided on a bracelet. Not a kid bracelet - a grown up one. It goes nicely with the necklace she's enjoying (thanks for letting us borrow it, Greta).

Today has brought a number of visitors, which has been very helpful. Hoping she'll take a nice nap here shortly.

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