Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Business As Usual...What Now?

Both girls were in school today - Hooray!! We found out late MOnday evening that after 3 days of culturing, the strep test they did on Layla finally grew a positive, so she started on some antibiotics Monday evening. Piper is a brand new kid (sort of) -  she's is giddier than we've ever seen her and was noticeably happy to be back at school again. There are a slew of follow-up visits in the coming weeks and months, and we'll get through those and hopefully past all of this very soon.

Layla's the sick puppy now and she's in desperate need of sleep. Hoping she sleeps well tonight - after all, she did pass out in the car at 5:45pm on our way home.

I took this morning to rest (at the request of my employer) and went in a little before noon. I am tired, but it feels good to get back to business as usual.

So - what's next for the blog? It seems a shame to just shut it down. SO- I hope you will choose to use the "join this site" button on the right of your screen and follow along as I continue blogging about our family but also my adventures as an imperfect Christian, a leader in my corporate America gig, and as my true deal as an entrepreneur ( -- I recently renovated and it was revealed earlier this evening), and as a generally curious person.

Stay tuned!

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